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Audio: What is "KCC"?


Dear Pastors & Leaders,

Subject: Introducing Kingdom Covenant Connection: A Mentorship and Training Initiative




My name is Dr. Izell Kirkpatrick. I am writing to share an exciting new initiative that the Lord has pressed upon my heart: the establishment of a mentorship and training organization specifically for the Kingdom of God called "Kingdom Covenant Connection." This non-profit organization is dedicated to ministry and individual empowerment, improvement, and true Kingdom Living!


Covenant: Translated from the Hebrew noun “berith,” meaning “to fetter” or “eat with,” signifying mutual obligation, or “to allot” (1 Samuel 17:8). In the context of our organization, a covenant represents a two-sided agreement between two parties who voluntarily accept the terms (for friendship, marriage, alliances, etc.). Examples can be found in I Samuel 18:3-4, Malachi 2:4, II Chronicles 18:1, and Joshua 9:15.

Fellowship: From the Greek word “koinonia,” meaning “that which is in common.” It refers to a partnership or union with others, similar to bonds in a business partnership, social or fraternal organization, or kinship. This is the “fellowship” of the saints, as described in I John 1:7: “…we have fellowship one with another.”


Kingdom Covenant Connection is a non-profit, interdenominational, interdependent, international fellowship birthed from the heart of God. Its mission is to provide apostolic and administrative leadership, as well as fellowship, for Business Owners, Pastors, Kingdom Leaders, and their ministries. We strive to model the unity of the body and maintain proper ecclesiastical order as we serve in the Kingdom of God. There is "NO" required monthly dues, reports, assessments, etc.  All members can voluntarily sow into "KCC" or it's leader if they desire at any time. There is only a once a year membership fee to help support the vision of KCC.


I am excited about the potential for us to grow together and support one another in our shared mission. If you are interested in learning more about Kingdom Covenant Connection or how we can work together, please feel free to reach out.



Dr. Izell Kirkpatrick, Ap, Bp, Thd.


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